Wage Theft – Employer Information

Wage Theft is a growing issue.  Become an informed employer today to ensure that you’re in compliance with the law.

PDF Flyer:Wage Theft

1 in 3 workers faces a regular violation of their basic rights. Don’t become a statistic. Stay informed!

The Windsor Worker’s Action Centre strives to promote legal equity and fairness under the law throughout the Windsor/Essex Community, and is able to accomplish these goals in a variety of different ways.
We would encourage all employers who have questions about the law, their requirements, or how to bring their business practices into compliance to
contact the center and set up a meeting. Our staff would be happy to assist you in this process.

Did you know that…

  • Employees are entitled to receive statutory holiday pay on ALL statutory holidays at a rate of at least 1.5x their regular pay
  • Employees are entitled to vacation pay at a rate of 4%
  • Employees are entitled to 1.5x their regular pay after working more than 44 hours in any given week
  • Employees are entitled to receive payment on a regular pay schedule
  • Employees are entitled to receive a wage statement with their regular pay outlining the pay period for which the wages are being paid, the employees wage rate, the gross amount of wages before taxes/deductions, and the amount and purpose of each wage deduction, and the net amount of wages
  • Employers can not make a deduction from an employees wages if the purpose is to cover a loss due to faulty work (i.e. work that is spoiled or rejected, tools are broken, company vehicle is damaged, etc.)
If you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact the
Windsor Workers’ Education Centre.
328 Pelissier St. Windsor Ontario
(519) 252-1212
Ontario Trillium Foundation
WWEC is partially funded by the Ontario Trillium Foundation